Invest Confirm

This template displays the details of an investment confirmation after a user has made an investment. It includes investment details such as plan, principal return, credit amount, currency, profit, and additional information. The template also includes a JavaScript snippet that checks the payment status periodically and redirects the user upon confirmation.

Template Structure

Header Inclusion

  • {include file="mheader.tpl"}: Includes the header template file (mheader.tpl). This is typically used to include common header elements across multiple pages.

Main Content

  • <section class="bg-light" id="result">: Main section of the page with a light background, containing the investment confirmation details.

    • <div class="container">: Bootstrap container for proper alignment and spacing.

    • <div class="row justify-content-center">: Centers the content horizontally within the row.

    • <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">: Displays investment details in a styled table with borders and striped rows.

      • Plan:

        • <th>Plan:</th>: Table header for the investment plan.

        • <td>{$plan_name}</td>: Displays the name of the investment plan.

      • Principal Return:

        • <th>Principal Return:</th>: Table header for the principal return.

        • <td>{$principal}{if $principal_hold > 0}, With {$principal_hold}% fee {/if}</td>: Displays the principal return and optionally includes a fee if applicable.

      • Credit Amount:

        • <th>Credit Amount:</th>: Table header for the credit amount.

        • <td>{$credit|fiat}</td>: Displays the credit amount formatted with the fiat currency.

      • Currency:

        • <th>Currency:</th>: Table header for the currency used.

        • <td>{$payment_method}</td>: Displays the payment method.

      • Profit:

        • <th>Profit:</th>: Table header for the profit.

        • <td>{$profit}{if $period > 1}s{/if} {if $etype == 1}(Mon-Fri) {/if}</td>: Displays the profit percentage and optionally indicates the frequency and specific days if applicable.

      • Principal Withdraw:

        • <th>Principal Withdraw:</th>: Table header for principal withdrawal.

        • <td>: Displays withdrawal information if allowed, including fees and duration.

          • {if $allowprincipal}: Checks if principal withdrawal is allowed.

          • {foreach from=$details.depositduration item=t key=key}: Loops through deposit durations to display withdrawal fees.

          • {else}Not available{/if}: Displays a message if principal withdrawal is not allowed.

      • Compound:

        • {if $compound}: Checks if compound information is available.

        • <td>{$deposit.compound|number_format}%</td>: Displays the compound percentage formatted as a number.

      • Deposit Fee:

        • {if $fee}: Checks if a deposit fee is applicable.

        • <th>Deposit Fee:</th>: Table header for the deposit fee.

        • <td>{$fee|fiat})</td>: Displays the deposit fee formatted with the fiat currency.

      • Auto Re-invest:

        • {if $auto_reinvest}: Checks if auto re-invest is enabled.

        • <th>Auto Re-invest:</th>: Table header for auto re-invest.

        • <td>Yes</td>: Displays "Yes" if auto re-invest is enabled.

      • Tag:

        • {if $tag}: Checks if a tag is available.

        • <th>Tag:</th>: Table header for the tag.

        • <td>{$tag}</td>: Displays the tag value.

      • QR Code and Address:

        • {if $address}: Checks if an address is available.

        • <td>QR Code</td>: Table cell for QR code.

        • <td><img class="" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto; width: auto\9;" alt="qrcode" data-size="200" src="{$img}" /></td>: Displays a QR code image for the address.

        • <td>Amount in {$symbol}</td>: Table cell for displaying the amount in a specific currency symbol.

        • <td>{$amount}</td>: Displays the amount.

      • Address:

        • <td>Address for {$payment_method}</td>: Table cell for displaying the address used for the payment method.

        • <td>{$address}</td>: Displays the payment address.

    • {if $form} {$form} {/if}: Conditionally includes a form if $form is set.

  • {include file="mfooter.tpl"}: Includes the footer template file (mfooter.tpl). This is typically used to include common footer elements across multiple pages.

JavaScript for Payment Confirmation

  • {if $address}: Checks if an address is available to run the JavaScript code.

    • <script>: Includes a script to handle periodic checks for payment confirmation.

      • var myVar = setInterval(alertFunc, 10000);: Sets an interval to run the alertFunc function every 10 seconds.

      • function alertFunc() { ... }: Defines the alertFunc function to check payment status.

        • const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();: Creates a new XMLHttpRequest object.

        • xhttp.onload = function() { ... }: Defines what happens when the request loads.

          • if(this.responseText == '0') { console.log("Waiting for payment") }: Logs "Waiting for payment" if the response is '0'.

          • else if(this.responseText == '1') { window.location.replace('/invested'); }: Redirects to the '/invested' page if the response is '1'.

        •"GET", "index.php?address={$address}");: Opens a GET request to check the payment status.

        • xhttp.send();: Sends the request.


  • Ensure the included template files (mheader.tpl and mfooter.tpl) are correctly defined and available in the project.

  • Customize the JavaScript code if additional actions are needed based on the payment status.

  • Verify that the variables ($plan_name, $principal, $credit, etc.) are correctly passed to this template for accurate display.

Last updated