
Form Tag

  • <form method="post" name="spendform" action="invest">: The form element that uses the POST method to submit data to the "invest" action endpoint. The name="spendform" attribute is used for referencing the form in JavaScript or other scripts.

Hidden Input

  • <input type="hidden" name="action" value="invest_request">: A hidden input field to specify the action as "invest_request" when the form is submitted.

Form Body

Investment Plan Selection

  • <label>Select Investment Plan</label>: Label for the investment plan selection.

  • {foreach from=$index_plans item=p}: Loops through each investment plan in the $index_plans array to populate the available plans.

    • <table class="table">: Defines a table to display the details of each investment plan.

      • Investment Plan Radio Button:

        • <input type="radio" name="package_id" data-min="{$p.plans[0].min_deposit}" value="{$}" id="{$}" {if ($p.a == 1)} checked {/if} />: Radio button for selecting the investment plan. The data-min attribute stores the minimum deposit for the plan. The checked attribute is used if the plan is pre-selected.

        • <label for="{$}">{$|escape:html}</label>: Displays the name of the investment plan, with HTML escaping.

      • Investment Plan Details:

        • {if $p.plans}: Checks if there are plans available for the investment package.

        • Plan Details Table:

          • Plan ({$|escape:html}): The name of the investment plan.

          • Amount Range: Displays the range of amounts allowed for the plan. Uses infinity symbol (&infin;) for unlimited maximum deposits.

          • Profit (%): Displays the profit percentage for the plan.

          • Additional Details: Shows profit percentages, frequency, and periods based on the investment package type.

      • Reinvestment Option:

        • {if $p.reinvest}: Checks if the reinvest option is available.

        • <label><input type="checkbox" name="auto_reinvest" value="1">Automatically ReInvest Funds at the end of Package Period.</label>: Checkbox for enabling automatic reinvestment.

      • Compound Option:

        • {if $p.compound}: Checks if the compound option is available.

        • <input type="text" name="compound" class="form-control">: Input field for entering the compound amount with minimum and maximum amounts displayed.

      • Cashback Bonus:

        • {if $p.cashback_bonus_amount || $p.cashback_bonus_percentage}: Checks if cashback bonuses are available.

        • Displays cashback bonus amount and percentage.

Payment Method Selection

  • <table class="table table-sm">: Table for displaying available payment methods.

    • Table Headers:

      • Processing

      • Topup

      • Balance

      • Faucet

    • Payment Methods Loop:

      • {section name=p loop=$ps}: Loops through each payment method in the $ps array.

        • Payment Method Radio Button:

          • <input type="radio" name="payment_method_id" value="{$ps[p].id}" {if ($ps[p].id == 1)} checked {/if} >: Radio button for selecting a payment method.

        • Balance and Faucet:

          • Displays the balance and faucet options for each payment method.

Investment Amount

  • <label class="form-label">Amount to Spend</label>: Label for the amount input field.

  • <input type="number" step="0.00000001" class="form-control" required="" value="" name="amount" placeholder="">: Input field for entering the investment amount, allowing precision up to eight decimal places.

  • <div class="card-footer text-muted">: Footer of the card.

    • <button type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" class="btn btn-primary ml-auto">Make Payment</button>: Submit button to process the investment request. The button is styled with Bootstrap classes.

Templating Details

  • {foreach from=$index_plans item=p}: Loops through each investment plan to display available plans.

  • {if $p.plans}: Conditional check for displaying plan details.

  • {if $p.reinvest}: Conditional check for displaying the reinvestment option.

  • {if $p.compound}: Conditional check for displaying the compound option.

  • {if $p.cashback_bonus_amount || $p.cashback_bonus_percentage}: Conditional check for displaying cashback bonuses.

  • {section name=p loop=$ps}: Loops through each payment method to display payment options.


  • Ensure that the $index_plans and $ps arrays are properly populated with the relevant data for investment plans and payment methods.

  • Customize the styling and attributes as needed to fit the specific requirements of your investment form.

Last updated